What is a pre-engineered metal building? By definition, a pre-engineered metal building is a building system engineered for the location it will be built at and custom-fabricated according to the intended use; and includes customizations added by the owner. The majority of the labor to construct the building has been engineered out of the structure because the major connections that would normally require on-site welding and voids for doors, windows and other components have been pre-constructed prior to delivery. Steel-Span’s pre-engineered buildings are built in our factory and then delivered via LTL and set up in 1-2 days with very minimal labor involved. The customer is responsible for building site preparations, including but not limited to: concrete pads, electric, plumbing, etc.
Industrial manufacturing is a harsh environment — from particulates in the air from machining or harsh chemicals that are harmful when inhaled. Controlling these air-borne contaminants is vital to keeping a healthy and vibrant workforce. Steel-Span has built in-plant air filtration and ventilation rooms for some of the largest manufacturing plants in the United States. If your facility needs to contain dust, particles or fumes to a specific area in your plant, Steel-Span can help you find a solution.
Steel-Span's niche buildings have had a very positive impact in the environmental sector. Just by definition, we have been “GREEN” since the founding of our company. Our clients turn to us because of our ability to consistently deliver an affordable, high-quality product that has minimal impact on the environment. Our buildings are environmentally friendly, while being innately durable. Steel-Span’s extensive product line within the environmental sector includes:
Steel-Span can custom build garages to customer specifications - or we have our economical Pre-Engineered E-Z Build System that can be built on site:
Steel-Span works closely with electricity producers and provides many different structural and interior options for the power generation sector. Our custom installations are engineered to increase equipment and accommodate unusual loads. We have constructed buildings ranging from simple guard houses to complex protection and control buildings, and the following is the variety of applications for this industry:
Steel-Span specializes in single unit hangars.
A cleanroom is an environment in which several parameters are controlled, monitored and maintained. Some parameters include temperature and humidity, personnel access, and pressurization. Many cleanrooms do not need to meet any standards, but exist to improve product yield, protect sensitive equipment, control processes or impress clients. Whatever your cleanroom needs may be, Steel-Span can help you accomplish your goals.
Steel-Span has a wide range of features in our buildings. From non-combustible, heavy-gauge steel framework, to the wide variety of design loads and sizes we offer, our buildings are built to perform. Here are some applications:
Steel-Span has consistently created diverse and one-of-a-kind installations within the Petrochemical sector, as this sector requires many different applications. Below are some of the different applications that are in this industry:
Steel-Span has worked with many of the largest railroad companies constructing different buildings for a wide range of applications.